San Joaquin Valley Jazz Ensemble
9th-12th Grade Jazz Musicians
in the Central San Joaquin Valley
Submit an audition to be part of SJVJF’s regional honor Big Band, to perform with and open for this year’s Headlining Guest Artist, Danny Janklow!
What is this opportunity?
Join a group of like-minded High School aged musicians who LOVE jazz, and desire to learn and perform professional level large jazz ensemble music. This longer-term regional honor jazz band will run from early December through February, culminating in a performance within the Festival at Bullard and at SJVJF36’s Saturday Night Concert.
Am I eligible?
The San Joaquin Valley Jazz Ensemble (SJVJE) is open to any musician residing in the San Joaquin Valley within the age range of 9th-12th grade. Students must be in good standing with their school’s music program.
Here is a breakdown of desired instrumentation and potential skill demands:
6-7 Saxophones (Alto, Tenor, Bari)
Desired doubling abilities for all saxes include Bass Clarinet for Bari, and Clarinet/Flute for Alto/Tenor players
Potential for Soprano Sax for Alto players
1 designated Flautist
4-5 Trombones (includes Bass Trombone)
5-6 Trumpets
1-2 Pianists (and/or Guitarists)
1-2 Bassists
2 Drummers
selected drummers will rotate and double on Vibes/ Auxiliary Percussion
Any other instrumentalists with strong musicianship are welcome to audition and would be considered.
“non-traditional” jazz instruments may choose a part closest to the typical notation read on their instrument
ex: French Horn can audition utilizing the Trombone part, Mandolin can audition utilizing the Piano/Guitar/Vibes part, etc.
What are the rehearsal dates?
Rehearsal dates will include Sundays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays from 6-8:30pm, from November through February with minimal date flexibility based on participation.
Please be on the lookout for our 25-26 SJVJE dates coming soon!
All Rehearsals will be from 6-8:30pm unless otherwise noted.
What do I need to do to audition?
Check out your instrument’s audition excerpt HERE. Submit a Video Recording of the audition on this website by Saturday November 23rd at 11:59pm.
Take a look at your calendars to be able to notify your date conflicts with rehearsals upon registration, we urge you to arrange your schedule accordingly but want to work with you on things! The November rehearsal date will depend on availability of selected band members (either Tuesday or Wednesday) to prepare for our first gig, so please communicate properly in your registration!
Register, print your audition music, practice, record, and submit!
How much does it cost to be in SJVJE?
It is free to audition, and $150 to participate in the ensemble if accepted. This fee covers the cost of rehearsal facilities and music the band will perform. If you are not able to afford the fee but make the band, please do not let this prevent you from auditioning as additional need-based financial support is certainly available.
Who will be the director, and what will we play?
The band will be directed by Barb Shinaver, but band members can expect to work with many guest artists and clinicians throughout their rehearsal dates. Literature will include a wide variety of challenging, exciting music featuring SJVJE band members, additional special guests, and the Festival’s Headlining Guest Artist!