Junior High Jazz Workshops
What is this opportunity?
Do you like jazz and are curious to know more? No idea how to improvise? Don’t know any tunes? Maybe you know a tune and want to feel good about improvising on it?
…Or maybe, you are REALLY into jazz and you’re hungry for more!
Whether or not you have a jazz band at your school, or feel ready to join your jazz band at your school - we’ll show you what to do to get ready!!
In these workshops we will meet you where you are at to help take you to where you want to be! We will cover style, rhythm reading, vocabulary, improvisation practice techniques, how to learn tunes and more!
Bring your instrument and a pencil and we got you covered!
Am I eligible?
Are you in Junior High and do you want to play jazz? Then, YES!! Come one, come all - with experience or with none, as long as you play your instrument already we want to hang with you!
How much does the Junior High Jazz Workshop Cost?
The Junior High Jazz Workshop costs $20 per student and can be paid in advance or at the door. Need-based scholarships are available— register to see more information!
Sign up and Save. If you sign up and attend 4 sessions, you only need to pay for 3!
Who will teach us, and what will we play?
SJVJE director Barb Shinaver will be part of this, but there will be special guests at each workshop and students can expect to work with different people as time goes on! What we will play during the workshop depends on who shows up, and where everyone is at musically! We look forward to providing you with your appropriate next step of information, whether it be on reading and playing jazz rhythms, improvising, or learning tunes!
Signup and/or show up to one or more, of four workshops offered this fall!!
Workshop Dates - at Scandinavian Middle School (Fresno):
Sat, Nov 23 - 12PM - 2PM
Sat, Nov 30 - 12PM - 2PM
Fri, Dec 13 - 6PM - 8PM
Mon, Dec 16- 6PM - 8PM