Audition Information for SJVJE 24-25
There are THREE MAIN PARTS to each audition submission
(blues improv, excerpts sheet, registration form).
Audition submissions that do not follow directions will not be considered.
Please read carefully, email with questions.
Audition Instructions:
Perform all excerpts listed for your instrument, in order of the page, with a metronome in the background.
Pauses/rest in between excerpts is acceptable but keep it reasonable/minimal.
Trumpet/Trombone parts with splits are divisi options, lead player consideration for top-split performances only.
Piano/Guitar/Vibes parts should be performed as notated unless no chord voicing is present.
Drum parts should be performed with repeat as notated on last excerpt.
Play a Blues Head of your choice, with a backtrack/accompaniment, with a minimum of 1 chorus maximum of 3 choruses of improvisation (Bb or F Blues suggested).
Only one key is necessary. Any key is acceptable. Head only needs to be played 1x but can be played 2x if desired.
Drummers should consider what blues head they are playing with and orchestrate the melody on the drum set, followed by their improvisation chorus(es).
Any tempo, and any backtrack is acceptable, as is playing your submission with a live combo.
All Wind players must play with a backtrack/accompaniment in the background.
Backtracks/accompaniments are optional for rhythm section instrumentalists.
Complete the Registration form and submit your audition tape no later than Friday November 22nd at 11:59pm.
Recording yourself with video/audio, with a metronome and/or backtrack in the background
Separate videos can be submitted for the Excerpts and the Blues, or they can be stitched together. Label your files accordingly before submitting.
Your metronome should be a separate device than your recording device to ensure no playback or clipping issues
A sample scenario may include using your computer/laptop/tablet or another phone with speakers for the metronome, and a separate video recorder or other phone for the video.
If using your cell phone to video record, remember to change the video settings to ensure a more manageable file size for online submission.
Listen back to your recording before submitting online and ensure you are following instructions and are submitting a recording without any technological issues (eg: sound quality is bad).
Practice slowly at first and be accurate, every marking matters.
Listen to the source recording here for interpretation reference.
Tempo may be adjusted down on the excerpts sheet, but the best quality performances closest to or at tempo will be most ideal.
Auditionees presenting the best sound, accuracy, and musicianship between all excerpts and the blues, are most desired.
Look at your calendars, prepare to commit.
To provide the best experience across the board for selected band members as possible, we want to rely on each other’s preparation, communication, and participation to have a GREAT time!